Reliable and easy to use storage for your creative data
The Challenge
Many organizations are using Macs, in most of the cases in a mixed Mac/Windows environment. It is essential for these companies to have a robust storage that they can rely on while maintaining cost and operational efficiency. Apple’s decision to give up the Xserve, has forced users to start looking for the alternatives. The greatest challenges are:
- Apple’s native file sharing protocol (AFP) including ACL Permissions
- Spotlight server side search
- Active Directory
- XSAN Environment
- High Performance for high-definition video
Spotlight server side search
Most organizations must manage millions of files on their storage servers. Server side spotlight support helps to find files and content much quicker than using standard NAS server. Organizations can increase their productivity by saving time spend on searching for files and content on their servers.
Active Directory
The server can be configured as a member of Active Directory Domain, users and passwords will be automatically be synchronized with the domain. System Administrators can much easier manage their users and authentication.
XSAN and StorNext support
XSAN and StorNext are SAN solutions using Fibre Channel for video editingn and other collaborative applications that require constantly high transfer rates. Thanks to XSAN and StorNext, multiple Macs can simultaneously access shared storage provided over a Fibre Channel Network.
Which product fits best for my requirements?
Performance, Capacity and Redundancy for AFP/SMB and XSAN
Premium Ultra Plus is the perfect choice. It is developed for mixed Mac/Windows environments. Spotlight is supported via AFP protocol. Fibre Channel support makes it perfect fit for XSAN and StorNext environments.
High-Availability with Synchronous Mirror for AFP and SMB
euroNAS HA Cluster provides the same level of AFP/SMB and Spotlight support as Premium Ultra. Additionally data is mirrored between 2 nodes. Should one node fail, other will take over automatically and clients can continue to work.
High-Availability with Synchronous Mirror for XSAN and StorNext
Fibre Channel SAN Cluster is one of the best solutions on the market when it gets to high-availability and performance for the professional XAN and StorNext environments. Should a hardware fault occur, storage requests are automatically moved to the other FC node in the cluster. XSAN will automatically switch over (Mac OS 10.7.3 or higher required)